When we invest in a professional karaoke, usually the only choice you amply, main power, mixer, speakers or, preferably alone. But there is a karaoke equipment again, it is quite big influence on the quality of your sound system that’s karaoke Subwoofer. If you are an appreciative sound, play the sound, but your professional karaoke without subwoofer, it will be a huge omission. Subwoofer speaker makes sound during karaoke more likely, more full and complete.
On the market, there are two types of subwoofer: subwoofer steam and power subwoofer. So what is the difference between them.
Subwoofer slightly bonus must use its own amplifier or main power, and power must be large enough, the new round and clear bass sound. When installing the main power amplifier karaoke or the capacity of the leading factors you need to pay attention to, it forced enough with the sensitivity of the speaker & room size. If the main power amplifier or power may not be large enough for the subwoofer, the sound will be slightly less, distortion, timid voice, … Use Subwoofer Steam requires players to have the knowledge and experience to bring compositing best audio results
Subwoofer power back production style & subwoofer amplifier integrated together and used directly connected to the subwoofer music source. Power subwoofer brings the convenience of audio players. Simultaneously with the many speakers are selected by convenience and are not too fussy composite rebounded slightly as subwoofers.

Loa subwoofer Bonus PASUB-12FAB
As for design, there are a lot subwooer speaker layout tubers different speakers:
Front facing speakers.
Speakers towards the ground: thus, the sound will walk onto the floor, hitting hard and rang.
Located in the wall between the speaker driver, the speakers located on the sealed box, tail speaker inside the box due to vent openings and holes of the speaker resonance.
Subwoofer with a very important task in a karaoke sound system. Often using the subwoofer crossover frequency of about 100 Hz cut. the following is an electrical circuit and inductors used to separate subwoofer output, mid, tweeter, some frequencies will be selected baby & made subwoofer filter.
The subwoofer sound is emitted from deep bass sound, but this sound characteristics of the frequency range that is below the ears. So be extremely difficult to detect the sound emitted from any direction. Because of that, the speaker placement is very easy suboofer, just mainly based on type of floor, wall structure or room area only. However, still the best subwoofer should be placed right next to the main speakers.
Minimum requirements and the most essential quality of a subwoofer is deep and strong, to the sound level is not too important. Depending on the needs and purpose of your use of that option accordingly subwoofer.